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Artistic Research

Artistic research, annual magazine 2021, Landesverband Bildende Kunst Sachsen eV,

Online publication of the DFG Research Training Group "Knowledge of the Arts", Berlin 2021.

Anke Haarmann, Artistic Research. An epistemological aesthetic. transcript, Bielefeld 2019.

Severine Marguin  (Ed.), Henrike Rabe  (Ed.), Wolfgang Schäffner  (Ed.), Friedrich Schmidgall  (Ed.), Experimentation. Insights into practices and experimental setups between science and design., Transcript, Bielefeld 2019.

Julian Klein, Seven Answers. In: Jan Kaila  (Ed.) , Anita Seppä  (Ed.), And Henk Slager  ( Ed.) : Futures of Artistic Research. At the Intersection of Utopia, Academia and Power, Academy of Fine Arts, Uniarts Helsinki 2017. 1 & isAllowed = y% 20

Jens Badura (Ed.), Selma Dubach (Ed.), Anke Haarmann (Ed.), Dieter Mersch (Ed.), Anton Rey (Ed.), Christoph Schenker (Ed.), Germán Toro Pérez (Ed.)

Artistic research. A manual., Diaphenes, Zurich-Berlin 2015.

Susanne Stemmler (ed.), Perception, Experience, Experiment, Knowledge. Objectivity and Subjectivity in the Arts and Sciences, Zurich-Berlin 2014.

Elke Bippus (ed.), Art of Research. Practice of an aesthetic

Denkens, Zurich-Berlin 2012.

Billy Ehn, Between Contemporary Art and Cultural Analysis: Alternative Methods for Knowledge Production. In: InFormation - Nordic Journal of Art and Research, 1 (1), pp. 4-18, 2012.

Artistic Research, Texts on Art, Berlin 2011.

Julian Klein, What is Artistic Research? In: Perspektiven, No. 2,, 2011.

Arnd Schneider, Christopher Wright, (Eds.): Between Art and Anthropology: Contemporary Ethnographic Practice., Oxford 2010.


Corina Caduff, Fiona Siegenthaler, Tan Wälchli  (Ed.),  Art and Artistic Research.,  Scheidegger & Spiess AG, Zurich 2010.

Roger Sansi, Art, Anthropology and the Gift, London: Bloomsbury. The literature published until 2017 on the topic "Künstlerische Forschung / Artistic Research" has been collected by the Zentrum Focus Research of the University of Applied Arts Vienna 2015.


Platforms, databases and networks  

Journal w / k - Between Science & Art -  Online journal

Journal for Artistic Research (JAR)

Journal of Embodied Research (JER)

VIS - Nordic Journal for Artistic Research

FIELD: A Journal of Socially-Engaged Art Criticism


Society for Artistic Research in Germany (gkfd)

Society of Artistic Research (SAR)


Research Catalog (RC)

OAR: The Oxford Artistic and Practice Based Research Platform

Institute for Artistic Research Berlin  (! Theatrical Version)


Hybrid platform UDK Berlin
Network of other knowledge in artistic research and aesthetic theory,

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